viernes, 29 de marzo de 2019

Info sobre el pago del Week Camp (2ESO)

Como las fechas están próximas, aquí podéis comprobar los datos bancarios que necesitáis para hacer los pagos para la actividad del Week Camp de 2º ESO. Recordad que es IMPRESCINDIBLE CONSIGNAR EL NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS DEL ALUMNO Y EL CENTRO al hacer los ingresos.

Si tenéis cualquier duda, poneros en contacto con el departamento de Inglés

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2019

Talking about sports (1ESO C)

This week you will have to carry out an speaking activity using Flipgrid. Click here, insert the code you have received in class and then get into the grid 'Talking about sports' where you can read the instructions to carry out your task. The last day for doing it is next FRIDAY, the 15th.

You will get a speaking mark for this 

Should you have any questions, I'll be delighted to answer ;)

Cities of The World Project

During the last month, the students from 3rd Year ESO D have been working on a project called 'Cities of the World'. As a result, they have created a website to show all the information they have gathered.

Click on the following picture to access and have a look at it