martes, 5 de noviembre de 2019

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women #25N #RespectWomen

The United Nations has designated the 25th of November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and in IES Galileo Galilei we are going to prepare some activities to raise awareness about this terrible issue.

And for doing this, WE NEED YOU:

Use your phones to record a short video in ENGLISH (up to 30-45 seconds) including the hashtags #25N #RespectWomen with the purpose of making people realise that this is a serious problem we must not tolerate. You can tell us what you think about it, you can also create a slogan and share it with the rest of us. You can do it with firends or on your own. Of course you can use visuals or posters to support your message. You can sing, dance, just USE YOUR IMAGINATION!!

Here you can check some ideas:

You must send your videos using Whatsapp to the number 644902523 BEFORE the Thursday 21st of November.


martes, 29 de octubre de 2019

Halloween Video Competition

Halloween is coming!! And as we promised , here are all the video contestants from the Halloween Video Competition we organised. Check them out to see which one is your favourite. We will do the same and let the winners know in the award ceremony that will take place next Wednesday, the 6th of November at break in Room 202.

Thanks everyone for your videos and happy Halloween!!!

See you there!!

Andrea Pérez Beltrán 1º ESO C

Daniel, Yago, Alain and Adrián 1º BACH

Carolina, Raquel, Llara, Sofía and Carmen 4th ESO

Pedro and Rubén - 1º ESO A

Pelayo Fornos - 1º ESO A

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2019

Compra interactive Marisol


Se accederá a través de estos enlaces:





Después deberán registrarse creando un usuario y una contraseña con el código que les enviamos con la compra. Para registrarse tienen que acceder desde este enlace:

Tienen que introducir el Class Code dado por la profesora. Una vez activado, deberán seguir estos pasos para entrar y realizar las actividades:

Entrar en
Pinchar en student’s zone (en la parte superior derecha)
Pinchar en access webBooks (en la parte inferior)
Escribir el usuario y la contraseña

martes, 4 de junio de 2019

Listos para el Week Camp??

Ya no queda nada para que nos vayamos al Week Camp. Es por eso que aquí os dejamos algunos documentos acerca de las normas a seguir una vez lleguemos allí y un poco de ayuda para hacer el equipaje y no llevar mil cosas que no necesitéis.  

Recordar que el documento de "Autorización para la administración de medicinas" que aparece más abajo SÓLO lo debéis cumplimentar en caso de que necesitéis una medicina de última hora que no hayáis incluido en la hoja de registro inicial.

lunes, 3 de junio de 2019

Cuestionarios valoración sección bilingüe

Desde la seccion bilingüe nos pasan estos cuestionarios de valoración para que los estudiantes de estos grupos nos cuenten sus ideas y opiniones sobre el trabajo realizado este curso. Pincha en el enlace correspondiente a tu curso y cubre la encuesta en 5 minutos.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2019


Weddings, birthday parties, family get-togethers.... These are importante celebrations we share with our family and friends and we remember for a long time. In this speaking activity you are going to use Flipgrid to talk about it.

Use the password you have been given in class and follow the instructions to speak about a celebration where you had lots of fun.

Pay attention, and choose your group grid ;)

Are you ready??

viernes, 29 de marzo de 2019

Info sobre el pago del Week Camp (2ESO)

Como las fechas están próximas, aquí podéis comprobar los datos bancarios que necesitáis para hacer los pagos para la actividad del Week Camp de 2º ESO. Recordad que es IMPRESCINDIBLE CONSIGNAR EL NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS DEL ALUMNO Y EL CENTRO al hacer los ingresos.

Si tenéis cualquier duda, poneros en contacto con el departamento de Inglés

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2019

Talking about sports (1ESO C)

This week you will have to carry out an speaking activity using Flipgrid. Click here, insert the code you have received in class and then get into the grid 'Talking about sports' where you can read the instructions to carry out your task. The last day for doing it is next FRIDAY, the 15th.

You will get a speaking mark for this 

Should you have any questions, I'll be delighted to answer ;)

Cities of The World Project

During the last month, the students from 3rd Year ESO D have been working on a project called 'Cities of the World'. As a result, they have created a website to show all the information they have gathered.

Click on the following picture to access and have a look at it

jueves, 21 de febrero de 2019

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Interactive Activities

If you are reading 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' you can visit this website to practise different interactive activities that will help you to understand the story. Click here, then on 'Website activities' and install on your computer the file that is downloaded.

jueves, 24 de enero de 2019

STEAM women project

For those of you taking part in the STEAM Women Project for the Science Fair, here you can get the template you have to follow for developing your presentations.

Here is the link to download it.

miércoles, 23 de enero de 2019

Unusual uniforms in Spain

Last term our students of 2ESOB created a padlet about costumes, uniforms, traditional dress in Spain and Brazil (as we have a students from this country) and they also made some comments about it. I invite you to have a look at it as it is really worth it.

Hecho con Padlet

martes, 22 de enero de 2019

Penfriends at Latymer Upper School

Dear 3rd ESO pupils, don't despair, your English penpals' letters are on their way to our school and are due to arrive this week. We know you are anxious to get them, but it won't be long for it now. We hope you like it and it helps you improve your English. We also hope this new relationship is strengthened in the near future with new and exciting activities...

lunes, 14 de enero de 2019

The Big Challenge

As we did last years, the English Department gives students the chance to take part in "The Big Challenge". This is a global competition to test your cultural and language skills in this foreign language. You will compete with students all over the country, having the chance to win interesting prizes

In these links you can access to all the information about the contest and registration and also practise to best in your level:

Information and registration form

The Big Challenge Website

Contact your English teacher for more info and registration UP TO THE 25TH OF JANUARY.

viernes, 11 de enero de 2019

Unit 3 (1ESO BIL) and Unit 4 (1ESO) Great Holidays - Extra Materials

Want to have a look at some extra materials about Unit 3 (1st ESO BIL group) and 4 (1st ESO) or even practice the grammar points included? Check out this section to find this and many other things ;)

If you can't watch it properly, just zoom in the navigator screen ;)

jueves, 10 de enero de 2019

My Vegetable Garden

Last term we wanted students from 1st ESO C to let us know their ideas for making a vegetable garden at the high school. As you can see lots of ideas and inspiration that we will take into account for sure. Now it's time to put them into practice!

Thanks a lot!

Hecho con Padlet

Daily Routines

The New Year has come and students from 1st ESO A are still working on showing and telling their daily routines. Check out some of their comics ;)